Helpful Hints

The FAC Philippines will fight one's corner

Veröffentlicht in Helpful Hints

solidaritaetIt just so the word has spread, that the Department of Labor and Employment introduced as an additional Requirement to become Alien Work Permit (AEP). From a present-day perspective, particularly with regard to an economic point of view, It's safe to say: “That's sheer suicide”. If the Department of Labor and Employment don't to revisit it will be big negative economic consequences for the Philippines. The obvious question is “why and wherefore” or who profits regarding those decision of DOLE ?

Having carefully weighed the advantages for the Republic Philippines – in our view = visibility zero ! The Chairman of the FAC Philippines – Foreign Assistance Center Inc. will be by all available means, to struggle against the incomprehensible decision of DOLE - but for any operation of law. This decision to be threatened by danger ! To put it plainly, we can to fold up shop (FAC)