Upcoming chief task for 2017

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FAC TeamThis year's Christmas Lunch for the last time the Chairman of the Company FAC Philippines - Foreign Assistance Center Inc. spoke to all Shareholder and Staff Member about promising results of the Reorganization to go from strength to strength. Beginning 2017 the new General Manager (at center photo) announced that new business portfolio coming soon.

Setting up Business - to swing aboard a Train

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investor1The Philippines is one of the biggest E-Commerce and Real Estate Markets in South-Oast Asia. In the last few years many Investor's from Europe, specifically from most Scandinavian Countries open Software Development Companies; Call Centers and Entertainment Business Companies. But, we would like to go from the general to the particular. From initial Enquiry we received the most helpful Feedback from our successful Customer & Member's because to undertake to solve the problem we need a extensive Repertoire under the working legal System. Still others to call „Network“ 

Firstly - Setting up Business - We offer in 2 weeks time deliver all necessary Documents for In/Corporation under the Philippine Law to start your Business. 

Secondly - Acquisition of a FirmWe are offer to our client's „Shelf Company“ to start our Business at your earliest convenience.

In the third place – Start like „Market Leader“We offer the following – Available Segment in the Import/Export Business (Retail of Food, Beverages Tabaco and Foreign Liquors) with all necessary Certificates and Government Authorizations incl. amicable merger of all Customer in the Philippines. At a fixed price of 18 Millions Peso only.


Basic Notes on Annual Report 2017

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newsShould an accredited Agency/Company or someone of you Trust Person to process your Annual Report of 2017, so a 'SPA' is required. Some Immigration Offices already offer Online Application Registration. Please not forget your original ACR Card incl. to copy the page "Last Arrival" and the copy of OR from 2016. The Immigration Fees for 2017 averages 810,-Peso (310 PHP + 500 PHP Express Fee) The Service Fee should the 2,000 PHP Brand does not exceed (for "Pick up" and delivery on the same day)

Update December 2016-02

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newsThe Annual Report 2017 shall be held from 03 January to 03 March 2017. The BI Office SM Aura is now also authorized Offices to process Annual Report 2017. If you authorize other private person to filing your AR please arrange Special Power of Attorney (SPA).

By new Passport before Departure don't forget transfer Stamp to new Passport.

The new FAC ID Card (Employee) will be deliver in the second week of January 2017.

Kindly note that we deliver the new Price List 2017 to our Business Clients latest in the second week of January 2017.

The updated Terms & Conditions in english and german Language will be online (Download) also in January 2017. The FAC Membership Requirements will be uadated for new Applicants also in month January 2017.   

Important Advice DEC-2016

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newsThe 26. December 2016 and 02. January 2017 now confirmed public Holidays.

All ACR Card's will be deliver to our Client's before Christmas Holidays.

All SWP Certificate will be deliver to our client's before Christmas Holidays.

Our Office process the last Visa Extension for the year 2016 on 22. December 2016.

Kindly note that for Marketers (Philippine Retirement Authority) regarding new Requirements (Security Exchange Commission) remain valid.