Important Modifications - FAC Membership

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newsAs of 01. March 2018 will change the Inclusion Guidelines for new Members. All old Members must be new register. In the future only general Information will published on our FAC Consultancy Internet Platform. Legal and personal Information as well special Services will be publish to our Member Lounge only. In the future you can't longer apply online for FAC Membership. The Payment of Membership Fee for the current calendar year is due date the 01 March now. With immediate effect, the FAC accepts written Applications only. After the personal Interview the Board of Director's will decide whether the Applicant is included as a member of the FAC Philippines. All old Members are invited to a confidential Conversation to communicate important Information personally.

FAC / Chairman

Update February 2018

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newsMore than 37.000 Filipino leaving the Country last year, most of  them victims of illegal Recruiters or Human Trafficking Syndicates. The Bureau of Immigration also prevented 2.300 Foreigners 2017 who was involved like Hold on Departure, listed in Watchlist or ongoing Deportation proceedings.

From 1 February 2018 - 1 March 2018 the BI Accreditation Unit accept Application for New/Renewal only.

Update July 2017 – different assessment of risks

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newsPrviate or corporate loan applicants governed by Philippine loan guideline rather than European or American credit guideline bec. of different assessment of risks. Feel free to ask questions – Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

The Department of Finance (DOF) has announced a sweeping reform of taxes for different public sector of car industry. Under the House Bill (HB 4774), which failed to get approval when Congress adjourned last March, 2017. The new proposal will be staggered across a two-year period 2018 and 2019.

Nurses! Work Abroad in Germany for 2 years!

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StartbildEveryday for years, the German newspapers have been publishing announcements “Nursing – Skilled Personnel Urgently Required“ For many years our company has been receiving inquiries about working in the healthcare profession in Germany. The time has come! Our partner searching for over 500 nurses (male/female) for the calendar year 2017/2018.




The Interview date you will be receive direct from our partner. All successful candidates are paid according to union wages under German Law. The gross salary amount is EUR 2,200 to EUR 2,450 before tax. This means that salary amount nett is approximately EUR 2,000 (PHP 110,000).

Update May 2017 - Tourist Visa Holder

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newsIn Lieu of the shortened official working hours at Bureau of Immigration and Adjustment in the Collection of Fees – Please be guided on the Changes in the proceeing period of Application for Tourist Visa Extension.

Application that need urgency are required so submit supporting Documents such as confirm Airline Tickets.

In line with the Guidelines of the Commissioner Hon Jaime H. Morente, regarding the shortaned working hours, please be advised that the Cashier Counters will be open 08:00 am to 04:00 pm effective Immediately.

Appointment's for new Interview's about "Investor Visa" available to the public again of month June 2017.

All Special Resident Retiree's Visa (SRRV) Holder needed in pursuance of his / her Vocation in the Philippines also a ALIEN EMPLOYMENT PERMIT (1,2 or 3 years Terms)

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