TV Station broadcasted the Story of the FAC Philippines

GNNGlobal News Network is a local News Cable TV in the Philippines, but also can be seen in parts of Mongolia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Korea and Japan. GNN TV is planning soon to be free Air on 15 Regions in the Philippines. Also available is GNN Channel at Global Satellite TV,  means over  5 Million Subscriber watching at the moment GNN TV.

On 13/14. June 2012 broadcasted GNN TV a special Talkshow with our Chairman Alfred Lehnert on the  subject of "Distinguished History and Succeses of the Foreign Assistance Center Philippines - FAC,  specifically Mr. Lehnert's Life History and the Question, what made him do that ? And how the FAC to provide affordable Justice, specifically in Immigration and Criminal Law, to give Foreigners / Investors more Security under the Presidential Program to create new Job's and Development for the Economic Growth and Future of our Country.